Friday, March 8, 2013

Robotium 4.0 is released

Robotium 4.0 is released with added support for Webview. Following are the complete list of new APIs added in the New release. 

You can download latest JAR file form the Downloads page

Return type Method Description
 void clearTextInWebElement(By by) Clears text in a web element
 void clickOnWebElement(By by) Clicks on a WebElement
 void clickOnWebElement(By by, int match) Clicks on a WebElement
 void clickOnWebElement(By by, int match, boolean scroll) Clicks on a WebElement
 void clickOnWebElement(WebElement webElement) Clicks on the given WebElement
 void enterTextInWebElement(By by, String text) Enters text in a WebElement
 ArrayList<WebElement> getCurrentWebElements() Returns an ArrayList of WebElements currently shown in the active WebView
 ArrayList<WebElement> getCurrentWebElements(By by) Returns an ArrayList of WebElements of the specified By object currently shown in the active WebView
 WebElement getWebElement(By by, int index) Returns a WebElement with a given index
 void takeScreenshot(String name, int quality) Takes a screenshot and saves it with a given name in "/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/"
 void typeTextInWebElement(By by, String text) Types text in a WebElement
 void typeTextInWebElement(By by, String text, int match) Types text in a WebElement
 void typeTextInWebElement(WebElement webElement, String text) Types text in a WebElement
 boolean waitForCondition(Condition condition, int timeout) Waits for a condition to be satisfied
 boolean waitForDialogToOpen(long timeout) Waits for a Dialog to open
 void waitForWebElement(By by) Waits for a WebElement
 void waitForWebElement(By by, int timeout, boolean scroll) Waits for a WebElement
 void waitForWebElement(By by, int match, int timeout, boolean scroll) Waits for a WebElement